Kenya (Robinson)
Kenya (Robinson) I am not a nice girl. I resist the performed ignorance of whiteness and reject blackness-as-victimhood; y’all know what you’re doing and we
Kenya (Robinson) I am not a nice girl. I resist the performed ignorance of whiteness and reject blackness-as-victimhood; y’all know what you’re doing and we
Sara Murphy My work tracks the slipperiness of locating myself in space, language, and images. I operate within a loop: acting out an image, naming
Genesis Belanger I am interested first in history- then in art history, and how an understanding of history puts the present into perspective.I find it
Madeline Hunt-Ehrlich “How can narrative embody life in words, and at the same time respect what we cannotknow?” – Saidiya HartmanI make work about black
Rachel Labine My work sits within the tension between flattened two-dimensional space and affectiveembodied experience, where spatial flips and pauses occur at the levels of
Diamond Stingily I want to reconstruct the idea of art for people who grew up similar to my social and economic background. I don’t believe
Jose Delgado Zuniga Music is the point of departure for my paintings; it channels my imagination, my memories, with vivid visions and flashes of color.
Maia Ruth Lee Over the past couple years I’ve been working through ideas of economy of language,transposition and new lexicon. Using processes of archiving, re-assembling,
Grace Metzler Viewing my paintings is like staring into a fishbowl. Observing something that is familiar, but transcending reality. The scenes appear ordinary and iconic.
Sharon Madanes Henri Bergson wrote that art removes what “veils reality from us, in order to bring us face to face with reality itself.” I