Sharing the artwork of 2004 RHMF Emerging Artist Grant recipient Mika Rottenberg in celebration of our 25th year of grant giving.
The works of Rottenberg blend the absurd and the visually satisfying and probe the depths of bodily sensations, overlapping the borders between fiction and reality.
“I definitely feel like there used to be more separation between fact and fiction in the world, and it seems like, more and more, truth is being distorted and facts are becoming entertainment.”
Mika Rottenberg
Images in order:
Still from Spaghetti Blockhain, 2019. Single channel video installation.
Cosmic Generator (loaded #1), 2017. Mixed media installation.
Still from No Nose Knows, 2015. Single-channel video installation.
#1 with cabbage and ponytail, 2020. Plywood, aluminum, mechanical parts, plastic, hair.
Charlotte Meyer
Rema Hort Mann Foundation
212.966.8444 (Office)
347.419.6129 (cell)